Archyvas 2020

Džiugi naujiena – Lietuva tampa asocijuota Europos kosmoso agentūros nare

Džiugi naujiena - Lietuva tampa asocijuota Europos kosmoso agentūros nare

“Today I signed an Association Agreement between ESA and #Lithuania, which should be fully ratified in the fall of this year. Together with Member States, I fully support and welcome this important milestone for our joint space endeavours and continued cooperation,” said ESA Director General Josef Ascbacher, with Mr Nerijus Aleksiejunas, the Ambassador of Lithuania in France.

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Lietuvos etnokosmologijos muziejus

Kulionių k., Žvaigždžių g. 10, Čiulėnų sen., Molėtų r.
Tel./Faks: (8-383) 45-424


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